Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Well, The holidays are over. Back to grind. December went by so fast. So many parties, traveling, operas, and shows. The photo is Craig and our friend Tyler at the Room&Board holiday party. We are now in the process of planning a trip to Key West at the end of February. We haven't been for about 3 years. We usually have gone about every other year.

Yesterday it was 65 degrees here. I went for a long run along the river, and I am feeling it today. The weather here is crazy. A week ago it was 15 with colder wind chills, and now its in the 60's!? Global warming I guess.

We are seeing Young Frankenstein on the 17th. This past weekend we saw the Opera Macbeth. It was pretty good. There was a rainstorm, a blizzard, and lots of blood. Out damned spot.

1 comment:

Angela said...

You've got to love vacation planning!